PartnerEd Solutions offers a comprehensive approach to preventing and resolving conflict in special education.

Conflict is Costly! 

Conflict is not only expensive, it's also stressful and time consuming. In a time when schools are struggling to retain special education staff, we need to think differently about how we support our teams through conflict.

  • 83% of teachers involved in conflict report missing instructional time with students to respond to special education disputes.

  • Research has shown that conflict is a high stress event, leading to job burnout among special educators.

  • School districts are spending over $90 million per year nationally on conflict resolution.

  • Research points to the importance of trust between families and schools. Once relationships are broken, they become increasingly difficult to repair.

What is Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a set of processes that offer more efficient, cost-effective, and flexible solutions to resolving disputes. The OSEP funded Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) conceptualizes ADR on a continuum:

At PartnerEd Solutions, we take a systems approach to ADR that considers each level of this continuum and accounts for the unique needs of the local community.

Partner with us if you’re ready to:

  • Identify strategies to meaningfully engage families and the disability community more broadly.

  • Increase the capacity of IEP teams to engage in collaborative decision making.

  • Establish transparent processes to address and resolve disagreements within the district before they escalate.

  • Develop transparent procedures to support staff through conflict (e.g. consultation and coaching support).

  • Establish transparent processes to request and receive support from a neutral IEP facilitator.


State Education Agencies

PartnerEd Solutions works with state education agencies to review and establish statewide systems of alternate dispute resolution (ADR). 

School Districts

PartnerEd Solutions works with school districts to identify opportunities to prevent and resolve conflict through enhanced alternate dispute resolution (ADR) and risk mitigation strategies. 


PartnerEd Solutions works with families to provide information, resources, and support to elevate their voice and empower them to be engaged members of their child’s IEP team.